

Belgium, the heart of Europe, the chocolate kingdom and the favourite place for beer lovers. As soon as we've arrived at the Zaventum Airport in Brussels on July 1st, we took the bus 21 to Schumann where the European Union Headquarter is located. Later, we took the metro ligne 5 to the Gare Central (Central train station) and finally walked to the Grand Place. It was a square where all the boutique stores and restaurants were located. Over there gathered many famous chocolate brands including Godiva, Leonidas, Neuhaus and Cote d'Or. For dinner, we went to Chez Leon, a restaurant famous for its mussels and traditional Belgian cuisine:french fries. After dinner, Andy and I went to a bar to taste the finest beers of Belgium and watched a football match. Belgium has been one of the football giants in Europe, reaching the quarter-finals of World Cup 2014 and Euro 16. Everywhere in the country you can see kids running around with a ball at their feet, or teenagers playing in parking lots and parks. You'll see football in every corner of the city.

After staying for a few days, we've learned a lot about how the Belgian government run. Belgium's full name is The Kingdom of Belgium which means there's a royal family, however it’s the prime minister who has all the power. Belgium could be the country with the most complicated government structure. It has one central government and three regional government which has as much power as the central government. French, Dutch and German are spoken in Belgium therefore the government has created three communities and each of them has another government. Each community is like a small country so they can only govern themselves. The head of state is the prime minister and there are several political parties such as catholic, socialist and liberal.

During our trip in Belgium, communication wasn't a problem to us since I can speak French. Belgium locates on the southeast of the north sea while being surrounded by some of the richest and most advance countries in the world like Germany, France, Netherlands and Luxembourg. That is the reason why there are three languages majorly spoken in Belgium. Since the Netherlands sets on the north of Belgium, people in the north speak Dutch and takes up fifty-five percent of the population, closely followed by French in the south that takes up forty-five percent of the population and with point four percent of population that speak German. We also learned about what has caused Belgium to be the 42nd richest country in the world. It was because of its metal products and motor vehicles that provided transportation equipment as well as scientific instruments.


2016 Brussels bombing

On March 22nd 2016, three suicide attacks occurred in Belgium: Two of the attacks happened in the Brussels Airport while the other one happened in Maalbeek which is a metro center that also takes place in Brussels. Thirty-five people died in the attack including the three suicide bombers while more than 300 people were injured. Later that day, the ISIL claimed responsibility for the attacks. With the death of thirty-two civilians, the suicide bombing happened to be the most violent and deadliest act ever in Belgium. One of the five perpetrators was arrested on 8 April and has been identified as Swedish national Osama Krayem.

Belgium Train Derailment

On February 17th, 2017, a train derailment happened in northwestern Belgium soon after the train left the Leuven station for the capital. Emergency Services quickly arrived and by 13:25 which is five minutes after the accident. One person has died and 50 passengers were injured with 19 of them seriously injured. The reason of derailment is still yet to be determined and one of the cars overturned.

Planetary System Named After Beer

A poster of the newly discovered exoplanets with their beer-related nicknames.
A team of five Belgian scientists discovered one of the most remarkable planetary systems and named it after their favorite beer:Trappist. TRAPPIST-1 is the name of the system with seven Earth-size planets orbiting a dwarf star only 40 light-years away. Three of the planets are likely to have oceans, making it possible they could sustain life. The researchers also nicknamed each exoplanet after monastic Trappist beers like Rochefort, Orval and Westvleteren.

Post Card

Dear Grandma, 
During my trip to Belgium with Andy, we went to the Atomium. It's a building originally constructed for the Expo58. It stands 102 meters tall with 9 huge spheres each 3 meters wide and 18 meters long elevators that connects them. Also on the top there's a very expensive restaurant, maybe next time I'll take you there!!!

Sincerely yours,
Daniel and Andy


  1. Where are the sources used (especially for the news)?

  2. There seems to be some different fonts used, but it looks a bit messy and unprofessional.

  3. I like how you wrote: "Belgium, the heart of Europe, the chocolate kingdom and...." It catches the readers attention. :)

  4. make the words bigger, maybe change the font too

  5. You could source where you got the photos from.

  6. Nice job. However, you might want to watch out for using things such as "!!!" in your journal.

  7. Are you sure you guys are old enough to "taste beers"?

  8. For this postcard, I'd say add more facts and talk more about the country.

  9. I liked how you guys used the pictures to visualize the topic. It gives more understanding to the readers while gaining some more attentions from them. But I think you guys can add some explanations what those pictures are about.
